Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Friends, Family and Orientation

My last two weeks in Michigan, have been busy with packing, writing "Thank You” cards, and saying goodbyes. Over the past five years that I have lived in Grand Rapids, Michigan I have made some really good friends, friends that I believe may last a life time. One of the hardest things for me about leaving is having to say good bye to good friends and family. Although it was hard to say goodbye, I was also excited to meet new people at orientation and to begin my journey. 

The Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) orientation was held in Akron Pennsylvania, at what was known as “the Meeting Place.” We were split up by houses named after the continents. 

At orientation there were SALTers, (Serving and Learning tougher) or those who were going to be serving over seas from United States and Canada, as well as IVEPers (International Volunteer Exchange Program) who came from other countries and will be serving in United States or Canada. I was blessed to be able to room with a girl from Colombia where I was heading. That way I was able to learn more about Colombia from a Colombian before I got there.  

Throughout the orientation days at Akron, we had meetings and devotions. Meetings on the history of Mennonite Central Committee, rules, cultural differences, as well as communication. Even though our days were busy we we able to have some free time and get to know each other. 

Here are just a few photos that before I left Michigan…

My family & Micah's friend

Some of the best friends I could ever ask for! Friends from Michigan.
Carmen, Anna, Hanfei, Prasoon, Kwesi, Me, Ayo, Nicki

Here are just a few photos that I took over the orientation…

My friends Zack (USA) and Rocky (Bangladesh)

A group of the Internationals IVEPers

Rocky and the Leaders

Helping out with dishes

The house I lived in for a a week: The Middle East House

The friendships 

My roommate Nasley dressed in traditional Colombian outfit

It was a fun week meeting people and learning about Mennonite Central Comittee. 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Wine and Canvas Fundraiser

ONE WEEK! Just one week left until I start my new adventure, with Mennonite Central Committee as a “SALT’er” (Service And Learning Together). For the past few months I have been preparing for my leave; raising money, learning Spanish through the app Duolingo, scheduling my doctors appointments and in the last couple of weeks saying “goodbye.”

I love planning events and figured that hosting a special event would be a fun way to raise money for MCC and my support. With the help of my family, I planned a “Wine and Canvas Fundraiser.” I began by creating and sending out personal invites to people who we believed would be interested. We served a variety of breads, cheeses, dips, and wines. A family friend from church played her cello as people walked in and socialized. My sister, Natasha lead the guests in painting a Colombian landscape. The night was a success in that I was able to raise over $1,000 for my trip and had a great time as well.

The table setting

Natasha leading the painting of the Colombian Landscape

Friends, family, and church members came out to show their support and to have fun

Friends working on their paintings

Kwesi repeatedly saying: "Ayo would love this!"

The Van Dam volunteer after party